Xiaohan Kang is a Machine Learning Engineer at Rockfish
Data, utilizing generative AI for synthetic
data generation. Previously he was a postdoctoral research associate
with the CSL at the University of Illinois
at Urbana–Champaign working with Prof. Bruce
Hajek. He received the Ph.D. degree
in Electrical Engineering at Arizona State University under the
supervision of Prof. Lei Ying in
2015. He received his Bachelor’s degree from the Department of
Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University in 2009.
Research interests
His recent research has been focused on addressing both theoretical
and computational challenges that arise from, or are inspired by, the
analysis of large-scale biological datasets.
Gene regulatory network reconstruction
- Developed CausNet, a
novel framework for sparse causal network reconstruction using
RNA-seq data, involving advanced statistical techniques and
employing a Gaussian approximation of bootstrapping to provide
reliability scores for predicted regulatory interactions.
- Conducted in-depth investigations into the importance of condition
diversity in time series RNA-seq experiments with one-shot sampling,
analyzing the impact of limited sample size on network inference
accuracy and proposing strategies to mitigate the issue.
- Explored the connection between ordinary differential equation (ODE)
models and graph models for gene regulatory networks, comparing the
interpretability of these models in the context of RNA-seq data
Fundamental limits on binary classification errors and causal network inference
- Derived a robust and statistically rigorous maximum likelihood
estimator of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for
binary classification problems, utilizing advanced mathematical
techniques to provide accurate estimates of classification
- Developed mleroc, a Python
implementation of the maximum likelihood estimator, incorporating
efficient algorithms and data structures to enable fast and scalable
computations for large datasets.
- Made novel contributions to the field of causal network inference by
providing a lower bound on the information requirements for accurate
and reliable inference of causal relationships among variables,
advancing our understanding of the fundamental limits and challenges
in inferring causal networks from observational data.
Previous research projects
Conducted extensive investigations into various topics in the field of
computer networks, including scheduling algorithms in wireless
communication networks, load balancing algorithms in computer
networks, performance analysis of peer-to-peer (P2P) streaming
networks, and admission control mechanisms for wireless access
Download his CV.